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Janggi for Kakao - play with friends

If you made friends, let's play with the friend.

Friends you added will be displayed in your friends list, please select.

Your friend's profile will be displayed.

Press "대국신청(playing game request)" on the upper right.


Then the screen for choosing the time of the game will be displayed.

Press the left / right button of the red frame and choose the time.

There are 4 types of time limit, in order as follows.

무한(infinity):24 hours per move. The player can logout halfway.

보통(normal):10 minutes basic time and 30 seconds byo-yomi  3 times for each player.

속기(quick):5 minutes basic time and 30 seconds byo-yomi  3 times for each player.

초속기(super quick):No basic time and 30 seconds byo-yomi  3 times for each player.

If you select "무한 (infinity)", please select your initial position(blue area).

If you finish selecting, press the green "확인 (confirm)" button to start game.

"취소 (cancel)" is cancel which is the right of "확인" .

In friendly match, The high-ranked person becomes Han(red)

If high-ranked person want to move first, row-ranked player press "한수 쉼 (pass)" first when the game is started.

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