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Janggi for Kakao - see score, post mortem

You can add a review diagram by watching friends and his previous game score by Janggi for Kakao.

There are two ways to see the score, one is a way to see all friends' recent score,

The other way is to see the score of a specific friend.

To see all friends' recent score, press "기보 (score)" in the lower right.


To see score of a specific friend, select a friend from the friend list,

If you press "기보 타임라인" (score timeline), you will see the screen of the score timeline.

* You can see the score by searching for friends even if you are not friends.

Although you can attach a review chart suddenly to the unknown person's score, it will be rude, so be careful.


The game timeline will come out, so select the game you want to see.

In addition, the lower left blue "내 기보" displays your score,

The lower right green "즐겨찾기" is the display of the score you registered as a favorite.

You can register favorites by pressing the star mark to the right of the score.


When you select the game you want to see, an end position is displayed. You can advance and return the aspect with the left and right arrow marks.

If a review diagram is attached, a review diagram can be seen by selecting "참고도 (review diagram)" at the bottom.

When attaching the examination chart, go forward or back score and press red "검토(review)" when you want to attach review.


If you press "검토(review)", the review diagram screen comes out, so move pieces and press the red "댓글로 올리기" in the bottom right.

A Comment area will appear, so please write comment and press the "전송 (transfer)" button to register the review diagram.

You can write in Hangul, Japanese, and English.

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