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Janggi for Kakao - play Janggi

If you finish Registration, Let's start playing.

Press "일반대국 (general game)" at the bottom right.


A confirmation message appears. "예" on the left is "Yes" and "아니오" on the right is "No". Press "예(Yes)".


When an opponent is found, it becomes the initial position selection screen.

Red(Han) chooses Sang(elephant)/Ma(horse) position first, blue(Cho) chooses later. It's the same as usual Janggi rule.

Choose your position and press "확인 (confirm)".

※The placement of the opponent is the arrangement seen from the other person, it is 180 degrees opposite actually.


Profile of the opponent appears when both players choose position. pressing "확인 (confirmation)" will start the game.

Time limits are 5 minutes basic time and 30 seconds byo-yomi 3 times for each player. (The player lose when think over 30 seconds 3 times.)

In the button below, the blue frame "한수 쉼" is pass, the green "기권" is resign, the bottom orange is the item such as time extension.

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